NXTDRIED at EXPOWEST 2023 – Save the date!

From march 9th to march 11th, NXTDRIED will exhibit their REVdried products at EXPOWEST Natural Products in Anaheim.

Thanks to the show, NXTDRIED will be able to share at their booth (Hall A, booth 788) with the attendees their new crunchy 100% natural fruit snacks, fruit fragments, fruit powders and superfoods.

In the last year NXTDRIED has expanded the ingredients offer and now, their product proposition goes far beyond REVdried crunchy fruit snacks.

NXTDRIED will offer at EXPOWEST, NEW premium REVdried products full of aroma, nutrients and color.

NXTDRIED says their products are beyond Freeze dried. Why is that? Well, they use REVdried technology. They don’t do freeze dried. That means the technology is completely different, and so it is the final product.

While NXTDRIED is also in the premium spectrum of snacks and ingredients, their products maintain more nutrients, and preserve better the exotic and powerful flavors, colors and aromas of the Peruvian fruits.

¿How can NXTDRIED obtain the best outcome from Peruvian’s fruits?

They transform Peru’s unique biodiversity, as well as popular fruits grown on Peru’s fertile plains, into dehydrated products which preserve all their natural flavors, colors and nutrients.
The fruit is harvested to the optimal maturation point before being processed in NXTDRIED.

From the tree to packet in 10 days! So NXTDRIED has the best raw materials and full production and packaging control with total traceability.

NXTDRIED has developed customized processes for each type of fresh fruit that optimizes their individual organoleptic, nutritional and physical characteristics including EnWave´s REV™ licensed technology as the differential factor.

These are next generation fruit #snacks and #ingredients. Save the date and let’s meet at EXPOWEST 2023!


On Key

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