Peru has a huge variety of 600 amazing fruits. 553 of these are truly Peruvian fruits and Camu Camu is one of these Peruvian super fruits. Camu camu is usually grown on the river banks and floodplains in the Amazonas and it is considered an emblematic fruit in the Ucayali region.
Camu camu (also known by its scientific name: Myrciaria dubia) is a tiny reddish fruit with a sharp taste and huge benefits to the human body. This is why Camu camu is considered on the Peruvian superfoods and it is conquering the international market.
· Camu camu is the greatest source of vitamin C. The National Institute of Amazonian Studies (INPA) in Brazil revealed that Camu camu has the highest source of vitamin C on the planet (10 times more than oranges and 40 times more than lemons) So it is a fruit with high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that prevents cardiovascular diseases.
· This Amazonian fruit helps to reduce the impact caused by oxidative stress. It helps to fight the inflamation caused by free radicals and the a lack of antioxidants. Which allows us to say that Camu camu fights cell death and premature aging.
· Camu camu is also excellent for healing processes and for the formation and repair of cartilage, bones and teeth since it contributes to the formation of collagen.
· High-potassium food. A 3.5-ounce portion of this fruit is equivalent to 7.1 mg of potassium. Consumption of this macromineral in a balanced diet will prevent you from suffering from ailments such as muscle weakness, neuromuscular disorders and low blood pressure, also known as hypotension. It also allows you to regulate the level of water in your body.
· It is said that Camu camu prevents the appearance of cancer. According to experts, this happenns because of the high percentage of anthocyanin which prevents the appearance of malignant cells in the human body.
· Camu camu regenerates tissues and provides energy. Each little fruit has a cocktail of amino acids, such as serine, valine and leucine, which helps to repair tissues and provides energy for the daily activities.
Camu camu is most often consumed in a traditional way. But thanks to its properties and popularity it is now also consumed in néctar, capsules or powder. Camu camu is also becoming a key ingredient in liqueurs, jam, yogurt, confectionery or icecream.
Most of the time Camu camu goes trough freezing processes our brutal air drying processes that burns the properties of this incredible fruit.

The NXTDRIED Camu camu fruit is harvested to the optimal maturation point before being processed fresh.
NXTDRIED has also developed customized processes for each type of fresh fruit that optimizes their individual organoleptic, nutritional and physical characteristics including EnWave´s REV™ licensed technology as the differential factor.
The NXTDRIED Camu camu has a shocking content of Vitamin C (25%) which might position or Camu camu powder as the 100% natural highest source of Vitamin C.